Did you know that the Channel Islands of Guernsey and
Jersey were occupied by the Germans during WWII? Between June 1940 and VE Day,
more than 40,000 German troops were in residence of these two British
territories. (The island of Alderney had been vacated days before the arrival
of the Germans.)
Shortly after the Allied defeat in France, England
decided to forego a military presence on the islands because of their lack of
strategic importance. With the exception of propaganda purposes the Germans
didn’t need them either. It was a morale booster for Germany to boast the
occupation of British land.
Prior to the invasion, the British government made
boats available to the residents of the islands in order to evacuate those who
wished to leave. Over forty percent of the population of Guernsey took
advantage of the opportunity vacate, however, less than fifteen percent of the
residents of Jersey evacuated.

There were just as
many stories of collaboration with the Germans. Some of the prisoners joined
the British Freikorp (a division of the Waffen SS formed by POWs), and there
were dozens of babies born of relationships between island women and German
troops. According to papers released in 1992, there is also evidence proving
that individuals in the government collaborated with their captors.
Seventy five years
later, it’s easy to cast aspersions on people and the decisions they made
during a situation about which we know very little. I’d like to believe I would
have resisted, or at the very least simply minded my own business and live day
to day. Would I have collaborated if it meant saving the lives of friends and
family? Hard to say.
What would you
have done?