I’m a volunteer docent at the
Wright Museum of WWII. A
question that is often raised while people are viewing the exhibits is “How
could Germany let Hitler get into power?” Another is “Didn’t the German people
see what he was doing?”
To answer those questions, one must understand the aftermath
of WWI.

On November 11, 1918, an armistice (a cease-fire or truce)
was declared. The German monarch Kaiser Wilhelm II was forced to abdicate and be
exiled. The Weimar Republic was created, and Germany was forced to accept the Treaty
of Versailles. Under the Weimar constitution, power was divided between the
president, a cabinet, and a parliament. The office of chancellor was appointed
by the president and was chairman of the parliament.
A result of the Treaty was that Germany had to accept the
punishment inflicted on them by the Allies. This included huge reductions in the
size of their military, reduction of territory, payment of war reparations in
the amount of thirty two billion dollars (in money and in products), and
acceptance of a “war guilt” clause.

The combination of these requirements caused unrest and
opposition. Violence erupted on the streets. When Germany defaulted on
delivering coal and steel, French and Belgian troops occupied the Ruhr River
valley (the center these two industries). Workers began to strike, and civil
servants refused instructions from the occupying troops. The government then
began to print more money to pay its debts, causing “hyperinflation” (literally
a wheelbarrow full of Deutschmarks wasn’t enough for a loaf of bread). By 1923,
one U.S. Dollar was equal to four trillion Marks.
Morale was at an all-time low. Shortly thereafter, the
Socialist German Workers’ Party (NSDAP) or Nazi party rose up from the German
working class. They blamed capitalism, the ruling class, communists, and trade
unions for the country’s problems. The Nazis felt all of these issues were
connected to a Jewish conspiracy, and to solve the problem the Jews should be
deprived of German citizenship.

The Nazis were nationalist. Their goal was to make Germany
great again, a power to be reckoned with. During the mid-1920s there were
myriad political parties, and the Nazis were one of the smaller ones, but by
the late 1920s the party had increased in size. The increased number of party
members combined with Hitler’s charismatic personality caused the German people
began to believe his rhetoric about who was to blame for Germany’s ills.
In 1930, with just 18.3% of the vote Nazi representation
went from 12 seats in Parliament to 107 seats. They were now the second largest
party and their march to power began.
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