Talkshow Thursday: Meet Donn Taylor
In continuing with my Talkshow Thursday author interviews, I'd like to introduce Donn Taylor. A veteran of the Korean War, he writes novels and teaches poetry. A Renaissance man!
Linda: After
serving in the military, you taught English literature. When did you realize
you wanted to be a writer?
Donn: It actually
began as an undergraduate. I entered college as a music major, but a year later
(age 17) I discovered literature—the Romantic poets, of course, but also Robert
Heinlein's sci-fi stories. I wrote some very bad poems and worse short stories.
After a year in the Army, I came back to finish my degree, interested in ideas
this time. I wrote some fairly respectable undergraduate short stories and
poems, none publishable. But upon graduation, the Korean War intervened. So
writing got put on the back burner while I stayed busy with Army, family,
graduate school, and teaching. But after my second retirement, I said,
"Why not?" And started writing poetry and then fiction.
LM: I love
Heinlein! After writing several contemporary stories, your latest is a
historical book set in the years following WWII (Lightning on a Quiet Night). What made you decide to try your hand
at a historical novel? Where did you get your idea for the plot?

LM: Do you have
an unusual research story to share?
Donn: I'll
mention two. The Lazarus File
featured the DC-3 aircraft in many of the flight scenes. I had never flown that
aircraft, so I researched it carefully. Mildred and I actually tracked one down
and talked about cockpit procedures with its owner. In an old movie, the actor
James Stewart flew a DC-3 and looked out of the pilot's window to see if his
landing gear was down. I sat in the pilot's seat and found that the gear was
not visible from there. Lesson learned: Never trust a movie for research.
Mildred and
I researched Lightning partly in
newspaper files. One delightful item we couldn't use. In 1947, the US advisor
to the Greek military during their war with Communist guerrillas was General
James van Fleet. The Greeks referred to guerrillas as "mosquitoes." At
the time, the usual insecticide was called Flit. So the Greeks had their pun:
"van Fleet for mosquitoes." Research brings many delightful things
that we can't use in novels.
LM: The age old
question for writers-are you a “pantster” or a plotter?
Donn: I'm a
little of both. I plan the precipitating incident, the major plot points, and
the climax. From there, I'm a "pantster." The characters start
interacting and taking off on their own. I try to keep them headed in the right
direction but otherwise give them free rein. The completed drafts of Lightning and Deadly Additive required extensive revision. The manuscripts of Lazarus and Rhapsody in Red required almost none.
LM: Are any of
your characters based on real people?
Donn: No, that
wouldn't be playing fair because the people they're based on can't fight back.
I do use characteristics from people I've known, but blend them with others
into composites. I don't want anyone I've ever known, friend or foe, to be able
to say I put him or her in a novel.
LM: What is your
next project?

LM: What are your
passions outside of writing?
LM: What else do
you want folks to know about you?
Donn: The Lord has
blessed me with one great love. Mildred and I were married for 61 years, seven
months, and four days until the Lord called her home. Our story is told at I continue, though not
now in Technicolor. My Web site is,
my daily humor is posted at
Come join the fun.
LM: Thanks for joining us Donn!