As if I don’t have enough TBR (to be read) books on my
nightstand, I continue to search for authors I’ve not heard of from the 1930s
and 1940s. Thanks (again) to The Passing Tramp, I have discovered E.R Punshon.
A British literary critic, playwright and novelist, Punshon also
wrote under the pseudonym Robertson Halket. He published a series of crime and
deduction stories (perhaps called police procedurals today) that featured
Inspector Carter, Sergeant Bell, and Constable Bobby Owen, who eventually rose
to the rank of Commander at Scotland Yard. Owen was Oxford educated and
reminiscent of the “gentlemen sleuths” found in writers like Agatha Christie
and Margery Alligham.

It is challenging to find books from the less popular
writers of this era. Even if you find them, they are often cost prohibitive. The
good news is that Dean Street Press has reprinted many detective stories from the lesser known authors, including E.R.
Punshon. If you’re looking for a intriguing, well-constructed stories, give one
of Punshon’s classics a try.
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