Traveling Tuesday: Ellis Island
I love discovering tidbits of history and then
researching to dig up additional information. Recently, I read a post in one of
my favorite blogs (Heroes, Heroines, and History) about Ellis Island and the
fact that it was used as an internment camp during WWII. With all the research and
reading I’ve done about the war, I was surprised I had never stumbled on this fact.
When searching my own genealogy, I started with Ellis Island, but soon found
that as some of the thousands of Germans who immigrated to the US, my family
came through Baltimore. Perhaps I gave up my study of the Island too soon.

Then, interestingly, and perhaps ironically the port
became a detention center during WWII.
Immediately following the attack on
Pearl Harbor, hundreds of German, Italian, and Japanese individuals were arrested
and relocated to the Island. They were detained as being possible Axis spies,
saboteurs, and fifth columnists. Many of those individuals were U.S. citizens,
and it would be months before they could prove their allegiance and be

When the war ended, many of the internees were deported,
while other remained awaiting their fate and submitting petitions to be allowed
to stay in the U.S. The last German internee was released in 1948.
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