Tuesday: Occupied Paris
I’ve done some traveling and enjoy exploring the
differences offered by other countries. I had an interesting experience I had a
few years ago was when we visited Collingwood, Ontario, Canada. To my surprise,
it looked exactly like the U.S. It didn’t feel like we were in a “foreign
country.” The same restaurant and grocery store franchises peppered the streets,
and we could purchase all the brands we knew. The architecture was similar as
was the landscape. The only difference was that everywhere we looked hung the
Canadian flag. It was a bit disconcerting – my mind struggled to reconcile the

As with any historical event, there are multiple
viewpoints about what happened, even among eye witnesses. With governmental
papers coming to light or being declassified, some scholars are now purporting
that the French, and especially the Parisians, were active rather than
reluctant collaborators. Statements such as “the Germans could not have succeeded
as well as they did in rounding up…illegals if it hadn’t been for the local
police force.”
Frankly, I’m not sure how I feel about that statement.
It seems easy to opine about someone’s behavior when one has not walked in
their shoes. I’d wager that if people had to choose between saving their family
member over someone else’s, the decision would be a “no brainer.”
Life during the occupation was incredibly difficult.
Rationing was in effect, and distribution of cards was done according to age
and food needs. No meat was provided, and most food available had little
nutritional value. Supply of coal to the general public was non-existent, and the
black market flourished. Jews who had not been sent to concentration camps were
required to wear the yellow Star of David on their clothing. (They may as well
have had a target painted on their back.) Car travel was only allowed by those favored by the
Germans. Propaganda posters, films, and leaflets were everywhere. Many young
and middle-aged men were in prison, concentration camps, or underground.
For Paris, nicknamed “The City of Light,” the
occupation was a dark time.
This is great and so true. The French did have a powerful resistance movement with the catchy name of the French Resistance, ha ha. But they had to have a soft underbelly to fall to the Nazis. They surely didn't resist like England did! England had a spine. All except for Chamberlain. I have to go now, Colin Firth is coming over to practice his Speech.