Thursday, June 7, 2018

Talkshow Thursday: Meet Editor/Writer Tisha Martin

Talkshow Thursday: Meet Editor/Writer Tisha Martin

I'm sitting down today with writer and editor Tisha Martin. Grab your favorite beverage and join us!

LM: I read your delightful short story Puddle of Remorse. Where did you get your inspiration for the story?

Tisha: First off, it’s great to be here, Linda! Thanks for letting me join the blog today! So glad you read Puddle of Remorse because I enjoyed writing it. Great question! In college, I was sharing a meal with friends, and one of my friends told of her adopted deaf sister who got into heaps of trouble. I don’t remember what the little girl got in trouble for, but it inspired me to write the story. Plus, the Deaf culture is close to my heart because I have a deaf twin sister. (Even though she didn’t act like Bevy in my story, she was cantankerous. She chased me and my siblings with a garden snake one summer. . .)

Linda:  Ha! Siblings can be a challenge! You are both author and editor. How difficult is it to turn off your internal editor when you are writing?

Tisha: Haha, great question! Want to know the startling truth? I can’t. That’s why I do both! However, when I’m writing a scene and I know there’s issues to fix, I make a Comment in the page margin and I keep writing. It also helps that I think a lot about my topic before I write, so that I’m able to write more when I actually do sit down and write.

LM: What writers influence you the most?

Tisha: Ha! That’s a dangerous question . . . because you may get a huge list. If I had to choose, I’d have to say Sarah Sundin, Judith Pella, Cindy McCormick Martinusen, and Vian Smith, to name a small few. But really, following agent blogs, reading my authors’ manuscripts, and learning about editing have helped my writing tremendously. I love learning from others!

LM: Here are some quickies:

Favorite Color: Every shade of green (except grass and forest greens)
Favorite Place to vacation: Um…wow, I don’t know! I’d love to vacation on Mackinac Island, Prince Edward Island, or travel to all the national museums in the US.
Favorite Food: Mashed potatoes

LM: What are your passions outside of writing?

Tisha: I love to garden, sew, read, ride horses, and guest blogging. And edit (oh wait, that’s my day job! Seriously, though, it’s an equal passion!).

LM: What advice can you give to not-yet-published writers?

Tisha: I’m so happy you asked! Love encouraging not-yet-published writers! If I could share two pieces of advice: 1. Develop a teachable spirit because we don’t know everything, and agents, editors, and publishers are there not to condemn us or our writing but to help us and encourage us to be the best author we can be and to write the best book that God has given us. 2. Start building your platform now. It’s crucial to our writing career. Platform is a fancy way of saying “relationships.” Think of it as a conversation with someone in the grocery store or the library, only it’s on social media. People like to talk about food and books. 😉 (By the way, I offer beginning social media coaching for authors with little to no platform, and I would love to talk with you should you have any questions or concerns at all!)

LM: It appears on your website that you are working on three different books? How do you decide
which project to work on, is one closer to completion than the others?

Tisha: I’m laughing. It’s a juggling act. My WWII book is in edits and some rewrite, but the rest are in serious outline form, maybe a chapter or two completed. I’m a slow writer because I like to mull over my ideas long before I write them, but on my website, I wanted to show readers what ideas I have in the queue. Most writers are always churning ideas and planning outlines and doing prewriting so that when they finish writing one book, it’s easy to slip right into another. At least that’s my plan.

Linda: Where can folks connect with you?

Tisha: Ooh! I’d love to connect with you and keep the conversation going! My main hub is my website, but please connect on social media, too, so we can help grow each other’s platform numbers and encourage each other!

Thanks for hosting me, Linda!

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