Talkshow Thursday: Author Beth Steury
Linda: Thanks for joining me today. Congratulations
on the release of before I knew you, Book
#1 of the “Choices Matter” fiction series. Prior to publishing that, you wrote
non-fiction. What made you decide to enter into the fiction realm?
Beth: Hi, Linda.
Thanks for chatting with me today. I have to admit, I started the “Choices
Matter” fiction series several years before I began my “Waiting Matters . . .
Because YOU Matter” blog. I started the blog as part of my platform to promote
saving sex for marriage, a theme that is woven through the novel series. I love
how a story that is relatable and really pulls in the reader can leave a
lasting, beneficial, even life-changing effect. And I’ve always loved losing
myself in a great story.
LM: How did you
find writing a fiction book different from writing non-fiction?
Beth: I found that
fiction takes more time and creative energy to complete. It’s like watching a
slow-motion movie in my mind as the characters and storyline come together. But
there are similarities as well, as I try to “paint” a visual picture in the
reader’s mind with both my fiction and non-fiction.
LM: Research is a
large part of any book. How did you go about researching before I knew you and did you discover any extra special tidbits of
Beth: Well, no spoilers, but I did have to look up some
legalities and procedural scenarios specific to the state of Indiana. And some
health-related research is required for the second book of the series. Because
of my commitment to a story that’s realistic and relevant to today’s YA
audience, some of my research took the form of observing teenagers and even benefited
from a bit of eavesdropping on their conversations in public settings. I also
queried high school students while substitute teaching about likes/dislikes,
trends, etc.
LM: How did you
get started as a writer, and how did you decide to seek publication?

LM: You are one
busy lady. What do you do for fun and relaxation?
Beth: I have to
admit, I’m not very good with down time. But I do enjoy dinner out with friends
and family and watching a few select TV series with my husband. And of course,
reading. There’s never enough time to read!
LM: Here are some
Favorite season: I’m a “seasonal” person who loves something
about each season, and part of what I like is the change itself. I would really
miss the inspiration of a new season approaching if I lived where the weather
was consistent year-round. Fall edges the other seasons by a slim margin as my
favorite. Bring on the pumpkins and leaves, campfires and hoodies, football and
Favorite food: CHOCOLATE
Favorite childhood book: That’s a tough one because I liked
so many. I read my way around the “biography room” at my elementary school’s
library, and then read my way through the Boxcar Children series. But three
titles that always come to mind immediately are “The Pink Motel” and “Caddie
Woodlawn” by Carol Ryrie Brink and “Mr. Popper’s Penguins” by Richard and
Florence Atwater.
LM: What is your
next project?
Beth: I am wrapping up the second book in the “Choices
Matter” series, and then it’s on to the final (maybe?) book in the series. I
plan to publish the third book in the “Waiting Matters” non-fiction series in
the coming months as well. After all of that, I will tackle putting my adoption
search and reunion story, “A Doorstep Baby’s Search for Answers” into book
LM: Where can
folks find you on the web?
Facebook: Beth Steury, Author
Pinterest: Beth Steury, Author
Goodreads: Beth Steury, Author
Amazon Author
Thanks for hosting me, Linda!