Talkshow Thursday: Author Lynn Tagawa
Linda: Thanks
for joining me today. Congratulations on your most recent release, The Shenandoah Road. I love that your
story is wrapped around the Great Awakening which was a fascinating point in
our country’s history. What was your inspiration for the story?
Lynne: Another
author. My friend Douglas Bond wrote something in the time period for teens. I
thought, “Wow, it can be done well.” He does a great job at including
scriptural truth without overwhelming the story with it, and it inspired me to
tackle the same time period—for adults. My unique tweak was to choose
protagonists with different backgrounds. I had no idea how different Bostonians
were from those in Williamsburg and so forth. My young lady from Boston meets a
Scots Irish backwoodsman, and things happen from there.
LM: You are
an author and an editor. How difficult is it to turn off your internal editor
while you are drafting a story?
Lynne: Good
question. Typically I write a scene, come back and do a basic revision the next
day, and then leave it alone for a bit. Or try to.
LM: You have written contemporary and historical
fiction which require different types of research. Can you describe a time you
had an “aha” moment?

LM: What do you do to prepare yourself for writing?
For example do you listen to music or set up in a specific place?
Lynne: No, I’ve rejected the “muse” theory. I simply
tell myself, “Need to write a bit today,” and I open up the file. I find that
once I’m writing, things start flowing. The biggest obstacle is leaving off too
long. The story starts to fade in my head.
LM: What is the quirkiest thing you’ve ever done?
Lynne: Color
my hair red. That is SO not happening again.
LM: LOL! Here are
some quickies:
Favorite Color: blue
Favorite Food: is
coffee a food? Like espresso?
Actor/Actress: Tom Hanks / Sandra Bullock
LM: What is your next project?
Lynne: A sequel! I am already working on what (Lord
willing) may become a trilogy.
LM: Where can folks find you on the web?
Author and Editor website:
Devotional blog:
Book blurb:
John Russell’s heart aches from the loss of his wife, but
the Shenandoah Valley frontiersman needs to marry again for his daughter’s
sake. At first he believes he has found the right young woman, despite their
differences in background, but his faith falters when time reveals she isn’t
quite what she seemed. Can he truly love her? And what about his own failings?
Unlike her disgraced sister, Abigail Williams obeys the
Commandments. At least, she thinks herself a Christian until a buckskin-clad
newcomer courts her. He treats her kindly but also introduces her to a sermon
by the controversial preacher, George Whitefield. Her self-righteousness is
shattered, and she wonders about their relationship. If she confesses her lack of
faith, will John continue to love her?
Purchase Link:
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