Talkshow Thursday:
Sitting Down with Hope Toler Dougherty
Linda: Thanks for joining me today. It’s nice to
have you back again. I love the cover for Rescued
Hearts, your romantic suspense novel. Is there a real building that gave
you inspiration for the plot? Did you have any input about the cover photo?
Hope: Thanks so
much, Linda. The talented Diane Cretsinger Turpin created that cover for me,
and yes, it’s a real house on my road. I thought it looked like the perfect
abandoned house in the story. I took a picture and sent it to Diane to show her
what I was thinking. She took it from there. I had some input with the font and
changed the bike from red to purple to match the one in the story.
LM: The age old
question for writers – are you a planner or a “pantster,” and what is your
favorite part of the writing process?
Hope: I’m mostly
a “pantster.” Since I write love stories, I have the normal main story arc of
girl meets boy; attraction occurs; conflict happens; conflict is resolved, and
they live happily ever after. I may have a few scenes that I know will happen,
but I don’t plan the whole outline. Sometimes writing the story is like reading
it because I don’t know exactly what’s going to happen in the next scene.
That’s when I pray really hard!
I love writing dialog. I like writing the first draft when it’s
going fast and smooth. I really like editing, though, when I tinker with a
sentence until it’s close to perfect. I’m such a nerd. I love looking for the
exact word that fits a situation.
LM: How did you
get started as a writer, and how did you decide to seek publication?
Hope: As an old
English major/English teacher, I always wanted to write a book, but the reality
of doing it was daunting. I couldn’t figure it out, so I wrote sporadically for
local newspapers and magazines—never enough to make a living at it, but enough
to keep my clippings file current.
When our oldest daughter was weeks away from high school
graduation, I knew my life was beginning to change. Her siblings would follow
right behind her, and my cushy but demanding gig as a domestic engineer would
be over.
I wanted to focus on my freelance writing and decided to
write a piece for Guideposts Magazine.
As soon as I wrote what I thought would be the topic, I began daydreaming about
Ireland. That daydream became one of the early scenes in my first novel, Irish Encounter. It took quite a while,
however, before I admitted I was writing a book. I called it a writing project
even as it grew to 60,000 words and beyond!
My husband pushed me to “do something with it,” so I went to
my first writing conference, Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference
and started meeting other writers, editors, and agents.

Hope: I’m so
flattered that you think I juggle writing and gardening! Ha! Unfortunately, I
always have too many weeds. This is the first year of the rose garden, and we
wanted it to get established well. We had some help with the planting and
spraying. I love seeing those plants when I drive down our driveway. I love
cutting the roses and bringing in bouquets. Spending a half hour in the garden
is a nice break from writing and a good way to loosen any blocks in the creative
LM: Here are some
Favorite childhood book: The Boxcar Children Series by
Gertrude Chandler Warner
Favorite color: Lapis blue
Favorite vacation place: We’ve spent several vacations in
Ireland. In fact, Irish Encounter is partially set in Galway, my
favorite city. My passport is up to date, and I could go back any time. We also
love Deer Valley, a YMCA family camp in central Pennsylvania. My husband went
there as a child, worked as a counselor for a few years, and our family loves every
minute we get to spend there.
LM: What is your
next project?
Hope: My agent,
Jim Hart, is looking for a publishing home for my fourth manuscript. I’m taking
notes for my fifth. I know the characters and the meet cute. I’m still trying
to figure out a few more things before I actually begin writing.
LM: Where can
folks find you on the web?
Thank you for having me on your blog. You asked some fun
questions, Linda!
LM: You're welcome! I hope you'll come back to visit again!
Book Blurb:

Discovering the kidnapped woman ratchets the complications for undercover agent Brett Davis. Weighing the difference of ruining his three months' investigation against the woman's safety, Brett forsakes his mission and helps her escape, the bent-on-revenge brutes following behind.
When Mary Wades' safety is threatened once more, Brett rescues her again. This time, her personal safety isn't the only thing in jeopardy. Her heart is endangered as well.
Purchase Link:
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