Victorian Twelfth Night Parties with Kelly Goshorn
Thank you, Linda, for hosting me on your blog today. It’s
such great fun to meet others who love Christian fiction as much as I do,
especially historical romance.
While Linda’s wheelhouse appears to be World War II fiction,
I’m going to take you back a little further in time. My debut novel, A Love Restored, is set in Virginia in
1873-74. My heroine, Ruth Ann Sutton, “can’t carry a tune with a handle on it”
according to her beau, Benjamin Coulter. In one scene, I have her decorating
the Christmas tree and I wanted Benjamin to stumble upon her off-key singing
once again. While searching for the lines to the “Twelve Days of Christmas,” I stumbled
upon something called Twelfth Night parties that were quite popular during the
Victorian era. I knew right away that I wanted to incorporate such a party into
the book and decided that Ruth Ann’s friend, Charlotte Peterson, would be the
perfect hostess.

debate surrounds when to actually hold Twelfth Night celebrations. According to Christmas: A Candid History by Bruce David Forbes, it depends on how the first day of Christmas is counted. If day one is counted as Christmas Day, December 25, then Twelfth Night is celebrated on the evening of January 5, the eve of the Epiphany. However, if day one is counted as the day after Christmas, December 26, then Twelfth Night is celebrated on January 6, the evening of Epiphany itself.
highlight of the evening would be choosing the king and queen of the party. According to the 1923 Dennison's Christmas Book, "there should be a King and a Queen, chosen by cutting a cake..." Apparently, it was quite a large cake as one recipe I found called for a dozen eggs. Can you imagine? The Twelfth Night Cake would have both a bean and a pea baked into it. The man who finds the bean in his slice of cake becomes King for the night while the lady who finds a pea in her slice of cake becomes Queen. The new King and Queen sit on a throne and are adorned with "paper crowns, a scepter, and if possible, full regalia are given them."
Games, singing carols and dancing were a huge part of the
evening’s entertainment. In A Love
Restored, Charlotte and her party guests play a Victorian parlor game
called Forfeits. In this game, an activity was chosen for all the guests to
participate in. If the guest failed to complete the activity there was usually
some kind of penalty in which you had to do what the winner asked. In ALR, the gentlemen
requested the ladies sing, “The Twelve Days of Christmas.” If the women made a
mistake, the gentleman could ask for restitution in the form of a ‘sweet,’
either an edible treat or a kiss on the cheek. Ruth Ann’s rival for Ben’s
affections, Rose Martin, intentionally messes up hoping that Ben will ask for a
kiss. Being a gentleman, and one who is smitten with Ruth Ann, he passes and
asks for a peppermint instead.

I’ve never attended a Twelfth Night party, but after
learning about the custom it’s something I’d like to do. The history lover in
me thinks it would be fun to host such a gathering and have those attendance
come in period costume.
To be entered in the drawing for a Kindle copy of A Love Restored, share your favorite
line from the “Twelve Days of Christmas” in the comments below.
Book blurb:
She was
nothing like the woman he’d envisioned for his bride, but he was everything
she’d ever dreamed of—until a promise from his past threatened their future.
With pert
opinions and a less-than-perfect figure, Ruth Ann Sutton doesn’t measure up to
society’s vision of a perfect lady. When she accepts a position teaching in a
Freedman’s School, it threatens the only marriage offer Ruth Ann is likely to
receive. She’s forced to choose between life as a lonely spinster or reinventing
herself to secure a respectable proposal.
Determined to rise above his meager beginnings, Benjamin Coulter's reputation as a fast learner and hard worker earn him the opportunity to apprentice with a surveyor for the railroad-a position that will garner the respect of other men. After a chance encounter with Ruth Ann Sutton, Benjamin is smitten with her pretty face, quick wit, and feisty personality.
When others ridicule his choice, will Benjamin listen to his heart or put ambition first?
Purchase Link:
Excerpt from A Love Restored:
Loudoun County,
August 1873
Benjamin Coulter cringed as the shrill
tune hung in the air. That woman sure knew how to ruin a Sunday afternoon.
Sounded like something was dying and needed to be put out of its misery.
He shook his head. All he wanted to do
was rest a while longer. His decision to go around his headstrong superior and
talk to Mr. Farrell directly about his boss’s inaccurate measurements had made
for a nerve wracking week. That decision could have cost him his job.
Thankfully, his discovery had been received well, saving the struggling
railroad both time and money.
Benjamin leaned against the sycamore
tree and tossed his line into the creek. A slight hint of remorse nicked his
conscience. He now sat poised to guide the construction of the Washington &
Ohio Railroad through the town of Catoctin Creek and over the Blue Ridge
Mountains to Winchester, but he hadn’t intended to get his boss fired. If only
the man hadn’t refused to admit he’d made a mistake.
Yep, it was all coming together. Just
the way he’d hoped it would when he agreed to leave Texas and take this
apprenticeship in Virginia. All he had to do was pass that examination next
spring and...
He shuddered. The woman’s screeching
escalated to a bone-grating pitch. She’d frighten the fish away for sure. Like
most folks, Sunday was his day off, and he didn’t intend to spend it listening
to her sing off-key.
Wedging his pole in the mud of the creek
bank, he set off to investigate. Her ear-piercing slaughter of The Merry, Merry Month of May led the
way. He spied his first glimpse of the lyrical assassin through the thin limbs
of a dogwood tree. Perched on a large, flat rock at the edge of the creek, she
swirled her bare feet in the water. Behind the rock sat a pair of woman’s
boots—fancy ones. Too bad she hadn’t spent some of her shoe allowance on
singing lessons. Her
voice cracked. “The skies were bright,
our hearts were light, in the merry, merry month of May...”
Benjamin winced. That was the fourth time
in a row she’d sung that part. For the love of Pete, didn’t Miss Fancy Boots
even know the words? He needed to put a stop to this so he could continue
fishing—and napping. He stepped forward then stopped. The woman reached up and
removed a pin from her hair, then another. Mounds of long chestnut brown
ringlets spilled over her shoulders into the middle of her back.
Curls. He groaned. Why’d she have to
have curls?
skies were bright. Our eyes were light...”
mind. Curls or not, the woman’s voice could haunt the
Hi Linda, Thanks for having me on the blog today. It's been such a blessing getting to know you!
ReplyDeleteHI Linda, Thanks for having me on your blog. It's been so fun getting to know you.
ReplyDeleteSo interesting! I'm so glad I saw the link on twitter! Thank you, Linda & Kelly, for sharing this!
ReplyDeleteLove the except from A Love Restored! This is just the type of story I love to read!
Hi Linda, Thanks so much for having me on your blog. It's been such a blessing getting to know you.
ReplyDeleteThis is so interesting. And if I read about leaving my favorite line of the Twelve Days of Christmas correctly... Mine is Nine Ladies Dancing,,,but only because it brings to mind taking my three little girls to see the Nutcracker at Christmastime!
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