Talkshow Thursday: Welcome Back Jodie Wolfe!
Linda: Congratulations
on your upcoming release, Taming Julia. The
premise is intriguing…not your typical mail-order bride scenario. What was the
inspiration for this story?
Jodie: Thank you,
Linda, and I appreciate you having me here today.
I've always been fascinated with the whole mail-order bride
idea. I can't imagine what it would be like to take a chance on love by leaving
everything you knew in order to start a new life. I mulled on that for a while
before I had the idea of what would happen if a pastor advertised for a certain
type of bride he needed to keep his job, and he ended up with something totally
different. Due to circumstances with his church, and marrying by proxy, he has
to come to terms with his decision and what he'll do about it.
LM: What did you
do to research the book, and did you have any special tidbits you knew you had
to include in the story?
Jodie: Way back
when I was writing this story, I did a bit of research on the whole mail-order
bride part of history. I also had my husband's aunt and uncle help me with the
research for the part of the story that takes place in Texas. A couple years
ago I had the opportunity to visit the area I wrote about. It was really
exciting to see it first-hand.
LM: Your books
are set in the mid to late 1800s. What about that era draws you?

LM: If Taming Julia was going to be made into a
movie, who would you like to play the lead
Jodie: Oh my. I'm
never good at that. Let's see, how about a brown-haired Doris Day to play Jules
and Chris Evans to play Drew.
LM: What is one
thing you really wish you could learn how to do?
Jodie: I used to
be able to do so, but I've forgotten how to crochet. I'd like to learn again.
LM: Some
Favorite Meal: Steak, sweet potato, and salad.
Favorite Season: Most definitely winter.
Favorite Childhood book: Little
House on the Prairie series.
LM: What advice
do you have for fledgling writers?
Jodie: Don't give
up. Trust God to bring about publication in His timing. Taming Julia took over 8 years to get in print, but it's been worth
the wait.
Linda: Where can
folks find you on the web?
Amazon Author Page:
About Taming Julia:
In 1875, Kansas bachelor Drew Montgomery’s sole desire is to
serve God, but his congregation’s ultimatum that he marry or leave, forces him
to advertise for wife by proxy.
Jules Walker strides into Drew’s life wearing breeches and
toting a gun and saddle-more cowboy than bride. After years on the trail, she’s
not exactly wife material, but she longs for home and family, and will do
anything to ensure Drew never discovers what she really is.
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