Talkshow Thursday: Welcome Back Amanda Cabot!
Linda: Welcome back and thanks for joining me today.
It’s always a pleasure to have you. Congratulations on your latest release Out of the Embers. For those who haven’t
visited your website to read the Story Behind the Story, what was your
inspiration for the plot?
Amanda: I’ve always been
fascinated by the way that events of the past shape us, so I started
brainstorming worst-case scenarios. What if a young girl’s parents were
murdered and she never knew why? What if she still felt as if someone was watching
her and planning to kill her too, even though it’s been ten years? What if she
narrowly missed being inside her new home when it was destroyed and everyone
died? These were the seeds of Out of the Embers.
LM: Sounds fascinating!
Many of your books are set during the 1800s. What about that time period draws
Amanda: I’m drawn to what many think of as the
simpler lifestyle of that time. Reality, of course, is that life wasn’t simple,
but being able to portray close-knit communities with deep family values
against the background of some intriguing historical events appeals to me. And,
judging from readers’ reactions, stories with those elements appeal to them
LM: In addition
to your historical novels, you’ve written a contemporary trilogy. How was the
writing process different for those books? Did you need to do the same amount
of research as for your historicals?
Amanda: The
writing process was the same: synopsis, chapter-by-chapter outline, two drafts,
and a final polishing stage. Those steps seem to be hardwired into me. As for
research, it was probably the same amount, but what I researched was quite
different. Instead of looking for historical events at the time of my books and
obsessing over whether a word would have been in common usage then, I checked
trademark databases to be certain that product and company names I was using
weren’t protected. I also called various sites that I mentioned in the books to
ensure that I had all the details as accurate as possible.
LM: What is the
quirkiest thing you’ve ever done?

LM: Here are some
Mountains or Ocean for a vacation: Ocean
Sweet or Salty for a snack: Sweet
Coffee or tea as your “go-to” drink: Tea
LM: You’ve got
over thirty-five books published. What is one piece of advice you can offer to
fledgling writers?
Amanda: Never give up. If you choose the traditional
publishing route, rejection is a fact of life. I won’t sugarcoat it: rejection
hurts. But if you let it defeat you, if you stop sending out your manuscript
because it was rejected, you’re only hurting yourself. Believe in your book and
in yourself.
LM: What is your
next project?
Amanda: I’m currently in the first phase of edits for
the second book in the Mesquite Springs trilogy, which will be released next
March. In it, Dorothy, whom readers meet in Out of the Embers, gets her
chance at a happy ending. It’s not easy, though, because the town is disrupted
by the arrival of a man determined to establish Mesquite Springs’s first
newspaper and an itinerant artist with an agenda of his own.
LM: Where can
folks find you on the web?
Amanda: The
easiest way is to go to my website: I call it the
“one stop shopping” site, because in addition to information about my books, it
has links to my blog, Facebook, and Twitter.
About Out of the Embers:
A young woman with a tragic past has arrived in town . . .
and trouble is following close behind

At first,
Evelyn is a distraction. But when it becomes clear that trouble has followed
her to Mesquite Springs, she becomes a full-blown disruption. Can Wyatt keep
her safe from the man who wants her dead? And will his own plans become
collateral damage?
and sweetly romantic, Out of the Embers is the first in a new series
that invites you to the Texas Hill Country in the 1850s, when the West was
wild, the men were noble, and the women were strong.
Purchase Link:
Linda - Thanks so much for inviting me to be part of Talkshow Thursday. I always enjoy being your guest!