Talkshow Thursday: Andrea Chatelain
Linda: Thanks for stopping by. Congratulations on being part of Drawing Near: 90 Day Devotional. Tell a bit about the book and how did the opportunity come along?
Andrea: Drawing Near is a simple but profound way to deepen your faith each day. I was part of a midwest ministry called Wholly Loved and was fortunate to partner with some really authentic authors. Our devotionals are full of real struggles and point to Jesus, His grace, and love.
LM: You write for several organizations, teach English to immigrants and refugees, and raise three kids. How do you balance all of your responsibilities?
Andrea: Well, I had to throw out unreal expectations. My house is usually a mess because I use my free-time to write. And I decide each season, which area of my life is God calling me to give my time to and in what manner. Sometimes I have to make hard cuts so I can focus on the more important things. For example, because of the pandemic, I’m currently taking a step back from certain ministry opportunities and professional teaching because my kids need me here at home to be their teacher. I’m learning it’s easier to let go of roles if my identity is dug deep in Christ because then I can ask Him where He wants me to be and have peace in that decision.
LM: As a non-fiction writer, how do you get inspiration for topics you address? How difficult is it to share information about yourself in your articles?

LM: Do you have a set routine to prepare for writing (e.g. listening to music, etc.) and is there a time of day you are more productive?
Andrea: I usually read my Bible first before I write. Otherwise I feel as though I’m writing out of my limited capacity instead of His power. Sometimes I need to do another activity, usually outside, like walking the dog or digging in my garden to give my mind time to process what I want to say before sitting down at the computer.
LM: What is one thing you’d like to learn how to do?
Andrea: I love learning new things! I’ve learned how to garden, so I’d love to learn how to can/preserve my produce. I have a neighbor near me who has lived on a farm for decades and is going to teach me her methods to make pickles and jam this season. It may sound simple and old fashioned to some, but I think it’s so interesting to learn the ways previous generations provided for their families.
LM: Here are some quickies:
Favorite Season: Fall
Favorite childhood book: Stone Soup
Favorite Bible verse: Depends on the day, but Galatians 5:22 for this season.
Andrea: I’m so excited and thankful to partner with Our Daily Bread as a video devotional writer. They are creating some really amazing and accessible content for this generation. And I’m finishing a group Bible Study on the topic of joy with the amazing ladies of WhollyLoved again. Working with others on these projects teaches me so much about God because we all see Him through different life experiences.
Linda: Where can folks connect with you?
Andrea: I write weekly on my website Follow me on Instagram andFacebook for real life encouragement. And watch for WhollyLoved’s upcoming Bible study I contributed to along with some amazing writers at
About Drawing Near
Each day, God beckons us to Himself, calling us to rest in His love and grace. As we do, He heals our hurts, overpowers our fears with love, and restores us to the women He created us to be. This 90-day devotional, written by women who are learning themselves to live anchored in God's grace, will help you deepen your faith and grow your relationship with Christ.
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