Talkshow Thursday: Meet Alexis Goring
Linda: Welcome to my blog! Thanks for joining me today. Congratulations on your latest release Stories and Songs of Faith: My Journey with God. You’ve been a fiction writer. What made you decide to jump into the nonfiction genre, specially a devotional?
Alexis: Thanks for inviting me to be a guest on your blog, Linda! Thanks for the “congrats” on the publication of my first devotional book. Yes, I started out as a fiction writer but I’ve also been writing devotionals since age 16. I decided to move into the nonfiction genre by writing my first devotional book because God put it on my heart. Writing devotionals comes naturally to me. I’d say it’s one of my spiritual gifts from God. He called me to it.
LM: How did you find writing the devotion different from fiction? The same?
Alexis: Writing and editing my devotional book was much easier for me than writing and editing fiction. God downloaded the devotional ideas into my mind and then the words just flowed out of me. It only took between 15 to 60 minutes for me to write and edit each devotional whereas it would take months and sometimes a year or more for me to write and edit fiction stories.
LM: How did you get started as a writer, and how did you decide to seek publication?

LM: In addition to writing, you support authors as a virtual assistant, social media marketer, and editor. How do you balance the various aspects of your career?
Alexis: I balance everything by the grace of God. He enables me to spend just the right amount of time on each creative project and He enables me to work hard and effectively for my clients. During times when I don’t have many clients, I focus more on my own work like my blogging and writing. It all works out perfectly, as God gives me grace and wisdom.
Alexis: I would tell my younger writing-self to be patient. God knows what He’s doing and everything will happen according to His plan and in His perfect time.
LM: What is one thing you wish you knew how to do?
Alexis: I wish I knew how to start a successful, award-winning photography business! It’s another dream of my heart.
LM: Here are some quickies:
Favorite childhood book: Anne of Green Gables
Favorite food: Vegetarian Filipino cuisine
Favorite vacation place: Barbados
LM: What is your next project?
Alexis: I’m not currently working on a project. I’m taking a break from writing books.
LM: Where can folks find you on the web?
About Stories and Songs of Faith: My Journey with God
Stories and Songs of Faith: My Journey with God is a 52-week devotional that will bless your heart, soothe your soul, encourage your mind, and strengthen your God-given spirit.
Join Alexis A. Goring on an inspirational journey. Each devotional builds from real-life experiences that impart many faith lessons learned along the way.
Easy day is built on the foundation of a Bible verse or edifying quote, followed by Goring's personal story and reflection questions for a personalized experience.
All of the devotionals are tied to a song in order to go a little deeper into the heart of the message. A song directory at the end of the book connects the reader with music online to further enhance the study experience and glorify God.
Spend a year on a journey growing closer to the Lord through Stories and Songs of Faith, and discover personal transformation as time with Jesus Christ changes you heart to look a little more like His.
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