Thursday, August 29, 2024

Talkshow Thursday: The Story Behind the Story

Talkshow Thursday: The Story Behind the Story
By Susan G. Mathis

Hi reader friends! I have a new three-book Thousand Island lighthouse series called Love in a Lighthouse. In my newest novels, I invite you to join the Row-family women, Libby, Julia, and Emma, as they navigate the isolation, danger, and hope for lasting love at three different Thousand Island lighthouses in the St. Lawrence River.

The first in the series, Libby’s Lighthouse, is about Elizabeth Montonna, daughter of the Tibbett’s Point Lighthouse keeper, who thought she’d love the lighthouse life forever—until her mother, on her deathbed, reveals a long-buried secret. Now Elizabeth’s world has been turned upside down, making her question if she’ll ever truly belong and be loved. But when a dashing young sailor appears on her shore, wounded and disoriented, she finds purpose in helping him recover. Although the man knows nothing about his past or identity, his kindness and character steal a little more of her heart each day. But as Owen works to repay their kindness, and his relationship with Libby turns into something more, he knows their budding romance can go no further until he uncovers his past. With each passing day, Owen inches closer to discovering the secrets of his identity, but will the revelations bring him closer to Libby or tear them apart forever?

To prepare for writing this story, I visited the lighthouse as I do every year. But I also researched
extensively online and with books, and I interviewed several folks including the lighthouse docent and historian. With all the details I collected, I wove a story that is visceral, interesting, and I think, memorable.

Because I write about real places and people, I want to be as accurate as possible, so I have Thousand Islands historians who read my story for accuracy. I also like to incorporate as many historic details to make sure my details were correct. Though it’s extra work, it always helps to check with the experts, and because there wasn’t a whole lot of information, my creativity went to work.

I grew up just twenty minutes from the Thousand Islands—the setting for all my stories—in upstate New York. I spent every summer and more exploring the beautiful region. I’ve stayed on several of the islands and camped and rented cottages there. So, after I wrote my debut novel about Wolfe Island, I was hooked. There are so many fascinating stories to tell.

Now, I take an annual Thousand Islands Book Tour to the islands where I meet with fans, friends, and family. I’ve stayed in Singer Castle, Casa Blanca, and other places that are the settings of my book. I’ve talked with the owners of the islands, local historians, and researched in the Thousand Islands archives. All my novels are based on a specific place in the Thousand Islands and are the true stories of the owners of that island. So, my plot is generally true. Then I overlay the storyline of the fictional servants to create the story. This makes my stories a bit more challenging, but I love a good challenge.

About Susan:

Susan G Mathis is an international award-winning, multi-published author of stories set in the beautiful Thousand Islands, her childhood stomping ground in upstate NY. Susan has been published more than thirty times in full-length novels, novellas, and non-fiction books. She has twelve in her fiction line including, The Fabric of Hope: An Irish Family Legacy, Christmas Charity, Katelyn’s Choice, Devyn’s Dilemma, Sara’s Surprise, Reagan’s Reward, Colleen’s Confession, Peyton’s Promise, Rachel’s Reunion, Mary’s Moment, A Summer at Thousand Island House and Libby’s Lighthouse, the first in her three-book lighthouse series. 

Her book awards include three Illumination Book Awards, four American Fiction Awards, three Indie Excellence Book Awards, five Literary Titan Book Awards, a Golden Scroll Award, and a Selah Award. Susan is also a published author of two premarital books, two children’s picture books, stories in a dozen compilations, and hundreds of published articles. Susan makes her home in Northern Virginia and enjoys traveling around the world but returns each summer to enjoy the Thousand Islands. Visit for more information.

Purchase Libby's Lighthouse: 

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Thursday, August 22, 2024

Talkshow Thursday: Welcome Back, Jodie Wolfe!

Talkshow Thursday: Welcome Back, Jodie Wolfe!

What was your inspiration for the story?

The theme of the book is based on Isaiah 43:2 - When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee. (KJV) I love that we’re promised the Lord will be with us every step along the way, even when we go through the waters, rivers, fires, and flames. What a comfort.

If your book is part of a series: Did you set out to write a series? Why did you decide to write a series?

Convincing Lou is the final book (4) in my Burrton Springs Brides Series. I didn’t originally set out to write a series but the heroine in my first book wants to return the favor to her brother for setting her up as a mail-order bride, so she orders a bride or two for him to consider… which led to the 2nd book. While each book is a stand-alone, you will find repeat characters showing up in each one.

If you were to write a spin-off book about one of your secondary characters, which one would you choose and why?

Chuckle. Each of the books in this series have happened because of secondary characters. I think I’ve finally exhausted all of them now. 😊

What draws you to the time period about which you write?

I fell in love with the time period as a little girl watching and reading Laura Ingalls Wilder’s Little House on the Prairie Series. It’s also the genre I love to read, so it makes sense that I write historical romances set in the 19th century.

How do you celebrate when you finish a manuscript?

I’ve been working on a book and told my husband when I finish, we’ll go celebrate by watching the
new movie, Harold and the Purple Crayon.

What writers or books have influenced you?

I’m sure it’s a long list. Some of the ones off the top of my head are Laura Ingalls Wilder, Lori Wick, Janette Oke, Mary Connealy, Jen Turano, and Karen Witemeyer.

What books are on your nightstand right now?

Right now my Bible and other devotional booklets. I’ve been saving Mary Connealy and Jen Turano’s new books to read as soon as I finish my current project.

What is your next project?

I’m starting a new series set in Shippensburg, PA. It’s about prodigals. The first book, Abigail’s Pursuit takes place during the U.S. Civil War which is something I’ve never written about. I’ve had to research a lot and have enjoyed working with a local historian.


How hard can it be to round up one delinquent groom?

Ellie Lou Williams will do just about anything to save her ranch, even going undercover as a man to round up a fella who is late to his own wedding. The reward will more than cover the money she owes the bank and solve all her problems.

Caleb Martin agrees to one final job as a deputy US Marshal before he starts his new life away from the trail and tracking criminals. What he isn’t counting on is a mysterious bounty hunter who’s determined to undermine his every step.

Will one reach their goal first? Or will they learn to lean on God and work together?

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Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Wayback Wednesday: The Progressive Era

Wayback Wednesday: The Progressive Era

Taking place from 1901-1929, the Progressive Era in America somewhat parallels the Edwardian Age in England, but rather than the result of trends set by a monarch, the time period was the result of the desire for furthering social and political reform, curbing political corruption caused by political machines, and limiting the political influence of large corporations. Rapid industrialization, urbanization, and immigration had created the “haves” and the “have-nots.” Slums, poverty, and worker exploitation were rampant across the nation, and monopolies had a tight grip on nearly every industry.

Numerous movements attempted to solve perceived social, political, and economic problems through scientific methods, protecting the environment, and subjecting businesses to copious regulations.

Corruption and “undemocratic political machines,” as one source put it, were targeted by reformers. The
establishment of primary elections, direct election of senators (rather than by state legislatures), referendums, and eventually the right of women to vote brought about much needed change, but not enough.

Monopolies were headed by rich, powerful men who bought politicians and other influential individuals. In an effort to promote fair competition, Progressives pushed antitrust laws and advocated for new government agencies with the responsibility of regulating industry.

At this time magazines experienced a surge in popularity as their prices fell and they began to cover corruption in politics, local government, and big business, known as muckraking. These muckrakers exposed social and political wrongdoing. McClure’s is one of the more well-known of these magazines. At the same time, authors, such as Upton Sinclair, were also addressing the situation. His 1906 novel, The Jungle, attacked unsanitary and inhumane practices in the meatpacking industry. The outcry from his readers prompted the Meat Inspection Act and the Pure Food and Drug Act passed.

Interestingly, the number of rich families increased significantly, from 100 or so millionaires in the 1870s to 16,000 by 1916. Steel magnate Andrew Carnegie led a host of them to a lifestyle of philanthropy, saying they owed a duty to society. During the time, hundreds of millions of dollars were bestowed or bequeathed to colleges, hospitals, libraries, museums, and other organizations aimed at improving the lives of “everyday people.”


Love and Chocolate

She just needs a job. He wants a career. Is there room in their hearts for love?

Ilsa Krause and her siblings are stunned to discover their father left massive debt behind upon his death. To help pay off their creditors and save the farm, she takes a job at Beck’s Chocolates, the company her father despised and refused to supply with milk. Then she discovers her boss is Ernst Webber, her high school love who unceremoniously dumped her via letter from college. Could life get any more difficult?

A freshly-minted university diploma in his hand, Ernst Webber lands his dream job at Beck’s Chocolates. His plans to work his way up the ladder don’t include romantic entanglements, then Ilsa Krause walks back into his life resurrecting feelings he thought long dead. However, her animosity makes it clear she has no interest in giving him a second chance. Can he get her to change her mind? Does he want to?

Pre-order Link:

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Traveling Tuesday: Hershey, Pennsylvania

Traveling Tuesday: Hershey, Pennsylvania

Pixabay/Bruce Emmerling
Nestled in the Pennsylvania hills about fourteen miles east of the state capital of Harrisburg lies the small community of Hershey. But long before Milton Hershey purchased the land in Derry Township to create his “company town,” the land was populated by Scotch-Irish and German Palatinates (future Pennsylvania Dutch) fleeing political and religious persecution and economic hardship. The two groups would keep to themselves but live peaceably side by side. Before the American Revolution, German was the prominently spoken language which encouraged more German immigrant to choose Pennsylvania as their new home.

The area has a humid continental climate which is to say there are four distinct seasons with temperatures that can reach as high as ninety-five degrees Fahrenheit in the summer and as low as twenty below zero in the winter. However, the averages are mid-eighties and mid-thirties respectively.

The Susquehanna River runs past Hershey on its 444-mile journey from Cooperstown, New York to dump
into the Chesapeake Bay. Threading its way through Hershey Park is the Intercoastal Waterway. This 3,000-mile inland waterway begins in Massachusetts and follows the Atlantic Seaboard to the southern tip of Florida before following the Gulf Coast to Brownsville, Texas. U.S. Route 422 that gets its start in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania ends in Hershey where the road is also known as Chocolate Avenue.

Before deciding to settle back in his hometown area, Milton Hershey considered Lancaster, PA, Baltimore, MD, and locations in New York and New Jersey. Most of his friends were against the idea, assuming the area was too rural to be a success. However, Milton saw the read supply of fresh milk on the dairy farms, and he saw a “steady labor force made up of hardworking Pennsylvania Germans.

Rather than expecting his workforce to make their way to his town, he constructed the infrastructure to support his employees, then built houses. Employees could rent or purchase the homes, small but well-made and affordable. According to the Hershey archives, the factory, which was a complex of buildings rather than one facility, “dominated the streetscape of Chocolate Avenue since ground was broken in 1903.” Brilliantly laid out, raw materials were delivered at one end of the factory and processed, coming out at the other end as finished products.

The town flourished, and the supports systems grew to fill the need. The McKinley School replaced four one-room schoolhouses, additional banks were created, trail and trolley lines laid to transport employees, larger stores, and more restaurants. In 1914, the original 1905 water system was replaced with a new water source and reservoirs. Social clubs, literary societies, a local band, and sports teams formed. Milton provided meetings halls, uniforms, and equipment as necessary.

Hershey Park began as a summer picnic park for residents with sand boxes, play equipment, a swimming pool, and dance hall. Milton then added amusement rides such as a carousel and ferris wheel. Then came bowling alleys, a tennis court, amphitheatre, and scenic railroad. As “outsiders” heard about the park, they arrived in droves, and in 1915, a visitors bureau opened.


Love and Chocolate (cover reveal coming soon!)

She just needs a job. He wants a career. Is there room in their hearts for love?

Ilsa Krause and her siblings are stunned to discover their father left massive debt behind upon his death. To help pay off their creditors and save the farm, she takes a job at Beck’s Chocolates, the company her father despised and refused to supply with milk. Then she discovers her boss is Ernst Webber, her high school love who unceremoniously dumped her via letter from college. Could life get any more difficult?

A freshly-minted university diploma in his hand, Ernst Webber lands his dream job at Beck’s Chocolates. His plans to work his way up the ladder don’t include romantic entanglements, then Ilsa Krause walks back into his life resurrecting feelings he thought long dead. However, her animosity makes it clear she has no interest in giving him a second chance. Can he get her to change her mind? Does he want to?

Purchase Link:

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Talkshow Thurday: Meet Heather Thompson

Talkshow Thursday: Meet Heather Thompson

I'm pleased to welcome Heather Thompson to my blog today. Grab your favorite beverage and get to know this fascinating lady!

What was your inspiration for the story?

This story was inspired both by the desire to have more supernatural faith-based fiction stories to read and also by the times in which we live. There is so much spiritual warfare happening all around us, and if we as Christian’s are not careful we can get caught up in the battle of the flesh but we don’t war against flesh and blood which is one of the reasons I wanted to write my novel, Stillwater.

Tell us about your road to publication.

The road to publication was tricky, but well worth it. I virtually knew nothing about publishing a book but a friend of mine had used a local publisher and printer and had good results. I met with them, my now publisher Yawn Publishing LLC, and felt really good about printing my book with them.

How are your characters like you? Different?

All of my characters are like me – if that makes sense. Each character has either a piece of my personality or a piece of me I wish I had developed better. The character, though, that is the most like me has to be Aunt Kendra because in my hopes and dreams I would love to have a life like hers on land with animals and essentially a small homestead and such a strong connection to the Lord that my property is a haven for angelic activity.

If your book is part of a series: Did you set out to write a series? Why did you decide to write a

When I started writing Stillwater I wasn’t thinking it would be a series but as the story went on I realized it needed to be. The reality of the supernatural isn’t some nice fictional story, it is a reality for every Christian that we live out every single day. If writing these books changes the way we look at the evil surrounding us and sends us back to the Bible to equip us for the battle, then I feel like I’ve written a good story.

Why do you write in your particular genre?

Because every Christian should know that the supernatural is a real place where battles are won and lost, and a place where we can participate when properly equipped through Biblical understanding.

How does/did your job prepare you for being a novelist?

I have been in communications and public relations for more than a decade and recently shifted slightly into content writing. Honestly, I cannot get enough of writing and enjoy the thrill of a good story or writing an opinion in a fun and quirky way.

How do you celebrate when you finish a manuscript?

It was very anticlimactic, to be honest. Once I finished the manuscript and was ready for edits I kind of sat there for a moment said “well, okay” and then walked away from the computer. Maybe I’ll throw a party for myself next time.

What writers or books have influenced you?

Some of my favorite books are the classics. In college, I got the opportunity to read some great books like Their Eyes Were Watching God, The Sound and the Fury and many others that helped shape my understanding of writing. Some of the most influential books I’ve read are To Kill a Mockingbird, which showed me the wide world of character development and Frank Peretti’s Piercing the Darkness and This Present Darkness. All three of these books I have read multiple times and they have shaped the way I see the world, and how I write about it.

What was your favorite childhood book and why?

My favorite childhood book was Little Women by Louisa May Alcott. I remember one night in particular where I read the entire book in one sitting. I think I finished it at 2am before finally going to sleep sad that it was over, but excited that I had consumed the story all at once.

What is your next project?

Currently, I’m doing a lot of writing for articles and other content but my next book will be the sequel to Stillwater – which is actually a work in progress. My hope is to have it finished and ready for publishing by next year, however I am learning that I cannot put a timeline on myself or the development of a story worth telling.

About Stillwater

When a strange group called Divinity You gains traction in the quaint little town of Stillwater, Harriet Gordon and Pastor Cole Warren are simultaneously dragged into a demonic plot set to rip the community apart. To prevent mayhem from taking over, the Christians of Stillwater will learn there is only one way to overcome the gathering tide of evil hellbent on destroying the town: pray and have faith.

About Heather: Heather Thompson is a debut author with her first book Stillwater, a supernatural faith-based fiction novel, meeting rave reviews. She has spent more than a decade as a communications professional, and more recently has worked as a youth pastor. Thompson holds a Bachelor’s in English from Kennesaw State University and a Master’s in Strategic Public Relations from George Washington University. She lives in Georgia with her horses, cats and dog. 


Friday, August 2, 2024

Fiction Friday: New Releases for August 2024

August 2024 New Releases
More in-depth descriptions of these books can be found on the ACFW Fiction Finder website

A Certain Man by Linda Dindzans -- Mara is a young Samaritan beginning to discover her love for Samuel—and his for her. Soon she will be deemed mature enough to marry. Her hopes are dashed when her greedy father brokers a match with the cruel son of the wealthy High Priest of Shechem. When her loathsome betrothed is killed, her beloved Samuel must run for his life. Mara and Samuel struggle to survive and reunite during the treacherous and scandalous times of the Bible under the merciless rule of Rome. (Biblical/Historical from Scrivenings Press)


Between the Sound and Sea by Amanda Cox -- Every family has its secrets. Josephina Harris wouldn't mind if her family still had a few of their own after a lawsuit tarnishes their name. When an opportunity opens to become a temporary keeper of a decommissioned lighthouse on a North Carolina island, she jumps at the chance to escape her small town to oversee its restoration. As the work begins, "Joey" discovers strange notes tucked deep in the crevices of the old stone walls--pages torn from a lighthouse keeper's log signed by someone named Mae who recounts harrowing rescues at sea. Fascinated by a woman lighthouse keeper, Joey digs into the past only to discover there's never been a record of a lighthouse keeper by that name. When things start to go amiss on the island, locals are convinced that it is the ghost of the lighthouse keeper and his daughter who were lost at sea during World War II. As Joey sifts through decades of rumors and legends and puts together the pieces of the past, what emerges is a love story--one that's not over yet. (Contemporary from Revell)

Contemporary Romance:

One Glance of Your Eyes by Myra Johnson -- With a heart for lifting men out of homelessness, Carl Anderson is a dedicated counselor-in-residence in a transitional home. When recent setbacks threaten the program’s continuation, he proposes an innovative plan to increase success by pairing at-risk residents with shelter dogs. One glance from Carl’s stunning new supervisor, and he’s convinced his proposal doesn’t stand a chance. Rae Caldwell admires Carl’s passion, but for her, every canine encounter is a heart-rending reminder of her late daughter’s final months and the loyal service dog who never left her side . . . and the tragic end of a marriage too shattered by grief to heal. As they collaborate on the pilot program, Carl catches glimpses of the vulnerable woman beneath Rae’s chilly façade. Reluctant smiles turn to stolen glances and unspoken hopes for something more—until their carefully guarded pasts intrude and everything goes awry. (Contemporary Romance, Independently Published [ACFW QIP])

Bonding with the Cowboy’s Daughter by Lisa Jordan -- After a broken engagement, Callie Morgan decides to move to Aspen Ridge, Colorado, to fix up her late grandmother’s gift shop. But the shop is in bad shape and Callie runs out of money faster than expected. Old childhood friend and single dad Wyatt Stone comes to the rescue, offering her a job at his family’s ranch, Stone River Ranch. While their friendship is rekindled, will Callie ever risk loving again…even as Wyatt’s little girl is already stealing her heart? (Contemporary Romance from Love Inspired [Harlequin])

Her Loyal Companion by Heidi Main -- Training service dogs is Autumn McCaw’s passion. She won’t let anything jeopardize her business’s chance of success, including her former love Wyatt Nelson. But with a looming deadline to prove herself capable, she has no choice but to hire the one man who hurt her years ago. Relying on the single dad is tough—especially since he has trust issues of his own. But can Autumn and Wyatt overcome their past to save her business…and open their hearts to love? (Contemporary Romance from Love Inspired [Harlequin])

Hidden Secrets Between Them by Mindy Obenhaus -- In Hope Crossing, Texas, nurse practitioner Kirsten Reynolds has found her dream job. The only problem is that the tiny town also has Deputy Brady James…the father of her four-year-old sons. And he doesn’t know the boys are his. But as he steps into this new role he never planned for, Brady gets a hopeful glimpse into a life with children. Will he let the fear of the unknown keep him from a future he never imagined…or will an adorable pair of twins—and their mother—change his mind? (Contemporary Romance from Love Inspired [Harlequin])


Unfit to Serve by Sandra Bretting -- When the United States military adopts a newfangled test from France called the “intelligence quotient test” during the first world war, no one expects the turmoil that follows. Thousands of immigrants fail it and are forced to return to homelands devastated by war, disease, and famine. For Josephine Pembrooke, the shy schoolmarm at Camp Travis in Texas, the problem quickly becomes apparent. How can soldiers pass a test they can’t even read? So, Jo labors in secret to create a better test. Knowing all along it can't save the one soldier she'd hoped to help. (Historical from Elk Lake Publishing)

The Farmer and Mrs. Lombardi by Maryann Diorio -- When a middle-aged mother of four delivers a child with Down syndrome, she faces the destruction of her marriage, her family, and her dream. (Historical, Independently Published)

Rise of the Outlander by Stephanie Guerrero -- As hard as Magnus Stewart MacDonald works to be worthy, someone blocks his every move. Already the clan runt and disappointment to his family, his loss in the Highland Games pushes him to the brink of despair. In a twist of good fortune, Magnus rescues an Earl’s daughter giving him a path to compete for glory and the lady’s hand. Even an Earl can’t change the Stewart blood running through his veins. When his bloodline pits Magnus against the newly crowned King James Stewart, he’s forced to decide between safety or fighting for his birthright and his lady. Will Magnus choose the refuge of the Glen or emerge to push back against a vengeful King after his Stewart blood? Surviving isn’t good enough anymore. It’s time to go beyond every obstacle and risk everything in a battle for the ages… (Historical from Winged Publications)

New Creations by Sarah Hanks -- Floyd Douglas is a blundering barber who faces retirement wondering if the past sixty years of his life have been a waste. When he's presented with the opportunity to go on a mission trip, it seems like the answer to his prayers and a way to finally make his life count for something. Now with a series of obstacles standing in the way of his newfound dream, he must decide whether to push through or find contentment in being the faithful family man he's always been. Emira has always looked up to her grandpa, especially since her parents’ marriage fractured and left her foundations shaken. Now, she scrambles to assure the man who taught her how to love what a deeply meaningful life he’s lived. (Historical from SonFlower Books)

Historical Romance:

Redeeming the Rake by Lorri Dudley -- A rogue spy is bent on destroying everything a vicar's daughter values, stealing her heart in the process. (Historical Romance from Wild Heart Books)

Convincing Lou by Jodie Wolfe -- How hard can it be to round up one delinquent groom? Ellie Lou Williams will do just about anything to save her ranch, even going undercover as a man to round up a fella who is late to his own wedding. The reward will more than cover the money she owes the bank and solve all her problems. Caleb Martin agrees to one final job as a deputy U.S. Marshal before he starts his new life away from the trail and tracking criminals. What he isn' t counting on is a mysterious bounty hunter who' s determined to undermine his every step. Will one reach their goal first? Or will they learn to lean on God and work together? (Historical Romance from White Rose Publishing [Pelican])

Romantic Mystery:
Home at Last by Penny Frost McGinnis -- Lucy Grayson grew up on Abbott Island. At fifteen she worked at the General Store then bought the business at age twenty-four. Now nearing thirty, she finds herself at a crossroads. Tired of the grind at work and missing her free time, she considers selling the store, but what then? Owen Miller moved to the island after his short-lived professional baseball career ended. Now he wants to embrace his uncle’s farm and create a landscaping business. Bitter after his ex-girlfriend ditched him for someone with more money, he buries himself in his work. When mysterious holes are discovered on Abbott Island, Lucy wants answers. She also longs for a special someone in her life. Owen helps Lucy solve the mystery. As they dig into the island history and gather clues, will they find more than hidden treasure? Perhaps they’ll discover love? (Romance Mystery from Mt Zion Ridge Press)

Romantic Suspense:

Witness Escape by Sami A. Abrams -- When witness Tabitha Wilson’s new identity is uncovered and she’s almost kidnapped, she finds herself on the run from a murderous drug lord. But her DEA contact has gone missing, forcing Tabitha to rely on Detective Doug Olsen—a man with his own secrets. It’s a race against time for Doug and Tabitha to uncover buried evidence before the cartel makes them disappear forever. (Romantic Suspense from Love Inspired [Harlequin])

Fireline by Kate Angelo -- As the niece of a legendary smokejumper, Nova Burns is tough as nails. When their crew chief Tucker Newman breaks his leg, Nova longs for the opportunity to helm the team, ready to take risks and prove herself. But there's one risk she refuses to take-falling in love. Undercover Homeland agent Booth Wilder is seeking redemption. Scarred by a past explosion that took the life of his partner, Booth is hunting a rogue CIA faction known as the Brotherhood. Now, he's determined to uncover their secrets and find a hidden nuclear weapon that could turn the world to ash. Only problem...summer sparks have ignited between Booth and Nova. Then the wildfire threatens the home of the Jude County Firefighting team, and Nova doesn't care what secrets Booth might be hiding-she needs everyone to save the town. But when the Brotherhood discovers Booth and his goals, the fight becomes personal. Now, Booth must choose between accomplishing his mission and saving the woman he's come to love. (Romantic Suspense from Sunrise Publishing)

Sheltering You by Robin Patchen -- In the sleepy town of Shadow Cove, Maine, a woman’s desperate flight becomes a high-stakes game of cat-and-mouse. Join the Wright Heroes of Maine for an edge-of-your-seat international romantic suspense that takes you on the run with a heroine in hiding, a secret baby, and unrequited love. (Romantic Suspense, Independently Published [ACFW QIP])

Forged in Fire by A L Evans -- When Light and Dark collide something explosive is destined to happen. Born into a world of heartache, Elizabeth cannot fathom a life beyond the rejection that she has always known. Then, one day a chance encounter in the ER begins the unraveling of threads. A humble man ignites a fire long held dormant. Little do they know that this is only the beginning. The supernatural world has been watching her. Everything Elizabeth has ever known suddenly shifts, and she finds herself immersed in a fated supernatural prophecy. The armies of hell have been sent to destroy her. How can she survive if she doesn’t know who she was created to be? It will all come down to sacrifice–life & death. In the end someone will lose. Mystery, Betrayal, Angels, Demons, and a dash of Humor with a hint of Romance. (Speculative Fiction from A L Evans)

Young Adult:

Birds of Paradisum by Stan Lewis -- Birds of Paradisum is an allegorical tale of one man's struggle to find peace and freedom while being pulled in two directions by spiritual forces that are at war with each other. (Young Adult Action/Adventure from Morgan James)

  Plus check out these recent additions to Fiction Finder published within the past month:

Rose by Another Name by Lee Carver -- A Depression-era newspaper typesetter secretly creates the character she would like to be and dares to hope for the life she may have missed. (Contemporary)

Closer Than Brothers by Mary Connealy -- Prequel to Trouble in Texas Series and Kincaid Brides Series. (Western)

Broken Trust by Jane Daly -- Two women face unexpected challenges with the ones they trust the most, and must also learn to trust themselves and each other in order to find happiness and love amidst chaos. (Contemporary Women’s Fiction)

The Pastor’s Perfect Wife by Jane Daly -- Former Mean Girl Mariah and Pastor Ethan Walsh shouldn't have fallen in love. But they did. Together, they must weather the storms of their pasts and find strength in each other to overcome the challenges before them. (Contemporary Romance)

Rumors are Flying by Jeanette Hanscome -- Plans to turn and historic Victorian home turning into a museum and upended when Janet and Debbie delve into WWII mysteries surrounding the Townsend family, revealing secrets that revive a Dennison landmark. (Cozy Mystery)

Molly by Shanna Hatfield -- Their romance began while wearing gas masks and uniforms. Will their love survive returning to civilian life? Inspired by the Hello Girls, America’s first women soldiers who helped win World War I. (Historical Romance)

Matters of the Heart by Kelly S Irvin -- He's the community's jokester auctioneer. She's the serious caregiver for her siblings who also works at the local plant nursery. What future could they have together? (Amish Romance)

Stitched on My Heart: Delphina’s Story by Heidi Gray McGill -- When a chance at love and a new life presents itself, will Delphina have the courage to seize it? (Historical Romance)

The Wise Guy and the Star by Shannon McNear -- Can a chance encounter be the connection they have always needed? (Historical Romance)

Healer by Ava Murbarger -- Old rivalries rise to the surface. Each of the planets has its own story to tell. Will the Phoenix remain silent? (Speculative Fiction)

Covering Grace by Davalynn Spencer -- When her trick-riding ways put her in danger while filming a local flicker, he risks more than his time intervening. He risks his heart. (Western Romance)

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Talkshow Thursday: An Interview with Susan Mathis!

Talkshow Thursday: 
An Interview with Susan Mathis!

Hi Susan! I hear you have a brand new three-book Thousand Island lighthouse series called Love in a Lighthouse. Tell us about that, please: 

In my newest novels, I invite you to join the Row-family women, Libby, Julia, and Emma, as they navigate the isolation, danger, and hope for lasting love at three different Thousand Island lighthouses in the St. Lawrence River.

Libby’s Lighthouse is out now!

Elizabeth Montonna, daughter of the Tibbett’s Point Lighthouse keeper, thought she’d love the lighthouse life forever—until her mother, on her deathbed, reveals a long-buried secret. Now Elizabeth’s world has been turned upside down, making her question if she’ll ever truly belong and be loved. But when a dashing young sailor appears on her shore, wounded and disoriented, she finds purpose in helping him recover. Although the man knows nothing about his past or identity, his kindness and character steal a little more of her heart each day. If only she knew his full name.

When Owen awakes on the shore of Lake Ontario with no knowledge of who he is, or where he was
headed when his ship wrecked, he has no choice but to accept the hospitality of the lighthouse keeper and his lovely daughter. But as Owen works to repay their kindness, and his relationship with Libby turns into something more, he knows their budding romance can go no further until he uncovers his past.

With each passing day, Owen inches closer to discovering the secrets of his identity, but will the revelations bring him closer to Libby or tear them apart forever?

Julia’s Joy: Book two coming October 29, 2024

She came to claim her inheritance, but the mysterious Sister Island lighthouse keeper makes her question all her plans.

Emma’s Engagement: Book three coming January 21, 2025

Amid the swirling tempest of challenges, Emma, Michael, and Ada must discover the strength within themselves and each other to weather the storm at Rock Island Lighthouse.

Let’s talk about your first book. What inspired you to write Libby’s Lighthouse?

My grandmother, Libby, inspired this story. When she was a young woman, she and her family lived in Cape Vincent, near Tibbetts Point Lighthouse, whose stories I tell in my first two books, The Fabric of Hope and Christmas Charity. During my childhood, every summer we would visit the lighthouse, and after Grandma died, my mother continued the tradition. I did the same, and I still visit the lighthouse every summer. When I started writing about the Thousand Islands, I knew I had to tell its story.

What’s the best part of your author’s life?

I love connecting with my readers, whomever they are. Whether I hear from them in person, through my website or email, on Facebook groups, on Zoom (I love doing book talks and meeting with book clubs), hearing the stories of how my work has touched their lives keeps me going and helps me remember why I do what I do.

Do you have any underlying themes that you want your readers to come away with?

All twelve of my Thousand Islands’ stories have hope as the central theme. Hope for a better future. Hope for love. Hope for healing. Libby’s Lighthouse also focuses on forgiving betrayals, adoption, amnesia, and healing broken hearts.

What comes first for you — the plot or the characters?

All my novels are based on a specific place in the Thousand Islands and the true stories of the owners of that island. So, my plot is generally true. Then I overlay the storyline of the fictional servants to create the story.

Do you write from an outline, or just from inspiration, or both?

Both. I develop a general outline, but often my characters have a mind of their own. I’ve even argued with them. Smiles.

Why do you write?

Eric Liddel said, “When I run, I feel His pleasure,” and I can sure relate. When I write, I feel His pleasure! So even though it’s hard work, I enjoy it immensely.

About Susan:

Susan G Mathis is an international award-winning, multi-published author of stories set in the beautiful Thousand Islands, her childhood stomping ground in upstate NY. Susan has been published more than thirty times in full-length novels, novellas, and non-fiction books. She has twelve in her fiction line including, The Fabric of Hope: An Irish Family Legacy, Christmas Charity, Katelyn’s Choice, Devyn’s Dilemma, Sara’s Surprise, Reagan’s Reward, Colleen’s Confession, Peyton’s Promise, Rachel’s Reunion, Mary’s Moment, A Summer at Thousand Island House and Libby’s Lighthouse, the first in her three-book lighthouse series. 

Her book awards include three Illumination Book Awards, four American Fiction Awards, three Indie Excellence Book Awards, five Literary Titan Book Awards, a Golden Scroll Award, and a Selah Award. Susan is also a published author of two premarital books, two children’s picture books, stories in a dozen compilations, and hundreds of published articles. Susan makes her home in Northern Virginia and enjoys traveling around the world but returns each summer to enjoy the Thousand Islands. Visit for more information.

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