Talkshow Thursday: Welcome Megan Miles
I'm pleased to welcome author Megan Miles to my blog for the first time as she discusses here writing journey and the release of her latest book, Snow and the Seven Brothers Circus.
What was your inspiration for the story?
As I was editing my first novella, Before the Ever After, the idea came to me for a Snow White retelling where the dwarves were a circus troupe. As this idea formed, I could see the first chapter in my mind’s eye like a cinematic moment. Even though I was trying to focus on finishing my first novella, I couldn’t resist developing that story and its characters.
How has your book changed since your first draft?
I tend to be a very heavy re-writer. My stories often undergo dramatic changes from the first draft to the final version, and this story is no different. There’s little outside of the barebones of the plot that remains the same. (Even the characters’ names all changed, including my main character! She was Carolyn before she became Catherine.)
The only thing that didn’t change was the first chapter that I already mentioned. Outside of some polishing of the prose, it remains largely the same.
What draws you to the time period about which you write?
The twentieth century has always fascinated me due to the rapid changes, inventions, and events thatbrought us to the world as we know it today. The period of 1900-1910 in particular stood out to me when I researched for this series. The turn-of-the-century era seems like the moment the past met modern times. In that moment in history, you see the arrival of cars, widespread electricity, flight, and other modern conveniences, but they’re still mixed with the fashions, traditions, and lifestyles of old. Pictures of city streets contain carriages and cars alike. Some houses were abounding with modern conveniences, and others weren’t. It’s the birthplace of life as we know it today.
Why do you write in your particular genre?
This may be a simple answer, but I write historical fiction because I read historical fiction. One day in my late teens, I lamented to my mom that I was bored and didn’t know what to read next. She put a Christian historical romance book from her shelf in my hands, and I devoured the story. So I read another. And another. It was only a matter of time before I began to test my hand at writing in the genre. The research required to write historical fiction has been a learning curve, but I love gathering interesting historical tidbits to include in my stories.
If you were to write a spin-off book about one of your secondary characters, which one would you choose and why?
I toyed with the idea of writing a spin-off novel containing the origin stories of the seven characters who founded the Seven Brothers’ Circus in my story. I went as far as brainstorming and writing out the details of their histories, even though most of that information didn’t come up in the novella. Leading up to the book release, I shared those histories on my Instagram to introduce my characters, but maybe someday I’ll get around to writing that book.
When did you know you wanted to be an author?
I’ve been a storyteller for as long as I can remember (my Barbies lived very interesting lives), and I wrote my first story about a girl and her horse at nine years old. From that moment on, I never stopped writing. In high school, I took a course that taught me how to properly develop characters, build a plot, and intertwine themes. That’s the moment I realized I wanted to write novels for as long as God allows.
What writers or books have influenced you?
There have been several different authors and books that influenced me throughout my writing journey. When I was a young teenager, the Christy Miller books by Robin Jones Gunn showed me how entertaining books could also contain important Christian themes.
A few years later, I discovered Melanie Dickerson’s medieval fairytale retellings, and I devoured them as fast as she published them. I loved the combination of fairytales, medieval history, and Christian themes.
Currently, Roseanna M. White is one of my favorite authors. I admire the way she writes engaging historical stories, coupled with deep themes and realistic characters.
Each of those series and authors contributed to my growth as a writer, and elements that I learned from each one appear in the stories I’m writing today.
What is your favorite thing about being a writer?
The creativity itself. I derive so much joy from crafting characters, twisting plots, and figuring out how to fix plot holes so that the whole story clicks into place. God wired me with a creative brain, and I thrive when I do what He created me to do. It’s my joy to finally share these stories with others. When readers tell me that something I wrote touched them in a way so many books have touched me throughout my life, I’m humbled and thankful for this opportunity.
Blinding spotlights.
Roaring cheers from an adoring crowd.
Every fiber of her being gliding on the wings of euphoria.
Upon her twenty-first birthday, Catherine Penner is set to inherit her late parents' vast estate and thriving coal mines, if she can make it to her birthday. An undiagnosed wasting disease threatens to steal her life, leaving her parents' legacy in the hands of her cold guardian.
Fighting to hold onto hope in the face of her own demise, Catherine reflects on the one bright spot in her life. Like another lifetime altogether, Catherine remembers a time when she was known by a different name. A time where she found belonging and purpose at the Seven Brothers' Circus, but even those beautiful memories come with painful reminders of what's been stolen from her.
As Catherine wrestles with the hopeless meaning of her short life and her fragile health, it becomes clear that something sinister is playing with her future. Will she find enough hope to push through to a promising future? Or will her life fade away like her beautiful memories?
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Photo credits
(Horse and carriage): Pixabay/Eduardo Davad
(Tower): Pixabay/llonadenktartig