Wartime Wednesday: Factory Conversions
Much is said about the level of production that America achieved during World War II. However, few people realize that industrial manufacturing decreased during the early years of the war. Two prime issues were the cause: 1) plants had to be converted to handle potentially different sized items and new manufacturing processes; and 2) the availability of raw materials was challenging because multiple companies were competing for the same components.
Factories in the 1940s were not automated like today. Most had conveyor belts that moved parts along, with cranes for heavy pieces and stations along the way for manual labor. Seems simple enough to convert. However, every plant had some sort of supply chain, each with a potential for bottlenecks and delays. Material shortages were a common problem, and as manufacturers implemented new processes, efficiencies had to be worked out. Workers, many of whom had never worked in a factory, had to be trained; a time-consuming task for products such as complex aircraft or radar components.
One source indicated that the steel industry was one of the main supply issues. In 1941, production wasprojected to fall short unless mills received thirty-two million tons of scrap, but the scrap was not making it was to mills because brokers had hoarded two million tons to force a rice in the price ceiling. Additionally, scrap metal was also being used in other industries. The government stepped in to “iron out a system for managing allocations strategically.” Import of raw materials such as oil, steel, and other metals from other countries also helped ease the burden.
Smaller manufacturers often converted to producing ammunition components. Cosmetic companies whose peacetime products were often small, sealed containers (lipstick, compacts, etc.) could be converted to manufacture similar products for holding ointments or ampules. In addition, their existing expertise in mixing chemicals allowed them to easily produce medical supplies like antiseptic creams and ointments.
Maytag, famous for its clothes washing machines turned to making aircraft parts. Chrysler made fuselages. General Motors made airplane engines, guns, trucks, and tanks. Packard produced Rolls-Royce engines for the British air force. Ford Motor Company manufactured B-24 Liberator long-range bombers. Mattatuck Manufacturing in Waterbury, CT switched from upholstery nails to cartridge clips for Springfield rifles. The American Brass Company produced cartridge cases and mortar shells, billions of small caliber bullets, and toward the end of the war components for the atomic bomb.
One source indicated that Scovill Manufacturing “produced so many different military items, the Waterbury Republican reports that “there wasn’t an American or British fighting man…who wasn’t’ dependent on [the company] for some part of the food, clothing, shelter, and equipment that sustained [him] through the…struggle.””
Despite the time it took to ramp up production; production that didn’t peak until 1943, America out produced the enemy and provided almost two-thirds of the Allied military equipment during the war:
- 297,000 aircraft
- 193,000 artillery pieces
- 86,000 tanks
- 2 million army truck
In four years, American industrial production, already the world’s largest, doubled in size.
The American WWII Home Front Told in 29 Objects
Unlike Europe the American mainland escaped physical devastation during World War II as it was not subjected to full-scale invasions. However, that didn’t mean the United States wasn’t impacted by the war. The ramifications of large economic, cultural, and societal changes forced Americans to reconsider entrenched beliefs and traditions.
Artifacts collected from across the nation tell the stories of the American people whose lives were shaped by this second “war to end all wars,” World War II.
Pre-Launch page (be sure to click “Notify me on launch”): https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/lindashentonmatchett/the-world-war-ii-home-front-in-29-objects-illustrated-book
Photo Credits:
Steel manufacturing: Pixabay
Assembly Line: Deposit Photos
Scovill Building: Library of Congress
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